Welcome to Age of Empires II HD: The Rise of the Rajas the third new official expansion for the Age of Empires II universe in over 17 years. Age Of Empires II Hd The Rise Of The Rajas takes up the size of 2.05 GB when you download the torrent to your device. Guide history\'s This expansion was released Decemand adds four new civilizations and campaigns set in the Southeast Asia region. Challenge friends with four additional civilizations, new units, technologies, and build your empire on both water and land. Age of Empire II HD Rise of the Rajas merupakan game lama yang sudah di update besar-besaran dan rilis akhir tahun 2016 lalu, update besar-besar ini meliputi ditambahnya expansion dalam game nya, lalu peningkatan grafisnya juga. We have provided direct link full setup of the game.Movies.

There are more civilizations, new units, technologies and you can build your empire on both water and land.

It is the third expansion of the famous Age of Empires series.

In this new installment of Age of Empires II HD: The Rise of the Rajas you can challenge your friends with four additional civilizations. It is released on 1 9 th December, 2016 and Microsoft Studios published this game. Age of Empires II HD Rise of the Rajas PC Game 2016 OverviewĪge of Empires II HD Rise of the Rajas has been developed under the banner of SkyBox Labs and Forgotten Empires for Microsoft Windows. Age of Empires II HD Rise of the Rajas Free Download PC game setup in single direct link for Windows.